Big Island Snorkling Tours Blog

Planning A Trip to Hawaii? Here are Some Things You Should Avoid

Planning a trip to Hawaii

Hawaii is one of the most beautiful places on earth. So, when you’re planning a trip to Hawaii, it’s easy to come up with a long list of spectacular activities you’d love to do and attractions you’d like to see.

However, there are several things you should avoid if you really want your vacation on the beautiful island to be as great as you expect.  We’ve compiled a simple list of these things to ensure your stay on the island will be a great one.

5 Things To Avoid While Planning A Trip To Hawaii

Knowing what to avoid right from the moment you start planning a trip to Hawaii can save you from a lot of hiccups down the road.

Avoid taking daredevil risks

Some activities such as rock climbing, snorkeling, and Kayaking in waters with very high current are for people who are really good at them.  For example, if you can’t swim at all, don’t pretend you can and then go snorkeling all alone. Also, if you’re afraid of heights or not cut out for rock climbing, you shouldn’t attempt it. If you’re interested in such activities but not so good at them, you should start by learning. Almost everyone else started as a learner at some point. There are so many places where you can learn whatever you want on the island. Though there are guides at several different points, avoid risking your life trying to do things you’re not supposed to.

Avoid over packing

Always remember that you can get some items on the island rather than buying them at home and over packing. More so, depending on where you choose to stay on the island, you may have access to several facilities that you can use rather than packing several items.

For instance, access to a washing machine means you can pack less clothes. There are several items you can rent on the island too. So, keep all that in mind while planning a trip to Hawaii.  

Hawaii Trips

Avoid timeshare presentations

Once you’re on the island, chances are you’ll meet some nice random people asking where you’re from and how long you’ve been on the island. Truth is, most of them are not really interested in your answer. They are trying to get you to sit through a timeshare presentation in exchange for a reward such as a snorkeling tours, free vouchers, or luau. Except you’re interested in such rewards, politely turn down the conversation from the stranger and move on.

Avoid getting sunburned

The sun’s rays are very strong at the equator and Hawaii is close to the equator. This means the chances of getting sunburned in Hawaii is higher. So, while on the island, make sure you always wear a high SPF reef safe sunscreen whenever you’re outdoor. Getting the right reef safe sunscreen should be listed on your checklist while you’re planning a trip to Hawaii.

Avoid complaining about island time

We live in a world where people expect almost everything to be done instantly. However, sometimes in Hawaii, the wheels turn a little slower – which is why some refer to it as island time. You may experience this on a tour road, at a restaurant, and several other places. Complaining about island time will hardly change anything. Rather, just relax and let things play out. So, while you’re planning a trip to Hawaii, remember that some things wouldn’t be as fast as they were on the mainland.

Follow these tips and you’ll have an exciting vacation on Hawaii.


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