Big Island Snorkling Tours Blog

Spinner Dolphins On The West Coast of Hawaii

spinner dolphins

The West Coast of the Big Island of Hawaii is a great place to view spinner dolphins.  It’s best to view spinner dolphins at a safe distance as spinner dolphins are nocturnal and their sleep patterns during the day can be disturbed by people swimming too close.

According to Love Big Island  there are four places on the West Coast of the Big Island that are common socializing and resting areas for spinner dolphins.  Makako Bay, North of Kona, Kealakekua Bay, South of Kona and the popular snorkeling spot for Sea Paradise, Honaunau Bay and Kauhako Bay which is 23 miles South of Kona.

Spinner dolphins rest between 10:00 am and 2:00 pm.  The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration  recommends staying 50 yards away from the spinners whether swimming or in a boat to enjoy viewing their playfulness while not disturbing them.

Join Sea Paradise on the Hoku Nui for a morning snorkel tour and you may very well spot spinner dolphins.  The best time to see these delightful creatures  is April to May and August to September.   They also are commonly spotted in the morning or evening.


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