Big Island Snorkling Tours Blog

The 5 Best Things About Snorkeling According to Snorkel Ken

Big Island Itinerary

Here’s a good article from on the best things about snorkeling.  We have a snorkel tour in the morning and afternoon as well as two night manta ray tours. Our staff is the best at ensuring you have an enjoyable snorkel experience on the Big Island.

Here are what I think the Best Things about Snorkeling are:

A Whole New World

There is nothing like walking into the ocean, putting on fins, mask and snorkel and then submerging into a completely different world than where you just were a second ago.  Looking at the same people, the same traffic, the same cubicle…heck, even the same damn kids or spouse everyday gets to be too much.  There are new and different things to see just below the surface of the water that snorkeling offers.

The Marine Life

Kind of tied in with the first one but not as much as you may think.  The ocean and marine life will blow your mind.  Turtles, fish, coral, eels, dolphins, seals, sea horses, sea cucumbers, shells, snails, lobster, crab…I could go on.  These animals are so beautiful in their environment.  Even sharks, scary as hell as seeing one might be, is a gorgeous creature in the water.

A Quiet Solitude  

This the main reason why I snorkel.  I get away.  From it all.  Everything.  There’s nothing under that water with me but me and what I’m looking at.  Of course, I always keep snorkeling safety on my mind and keep an eye on my snorkeling buddy but the solitude under that water is much better than you can imagine.  If you are already a snorkeler then you know what I mean.  If not…you will.  For me, there is no greater peace.

Plus, It’s Exercise

Swimming is great exercise. According to, a 5 foot, 6 inch women who is 35 years old and weight 135 1bs will burn about 500 calories with a couple of hours of snorkeling.  Swimming builds muscular endurance as well as helps you lose weight and cardiovascular conditioning.  Snorkeling is great exercise for something that is so fun  to do!

Lastly, as far as the best things about snorkeling goes, I would be remiss if I didn’t mention all of the great pictures and videos that you can capture with the right underwater camera.  Imagine the greatness that you’ll achieve by getting all of those images and videos on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram!  Show off your snorkeling skills to friends and family as well as keeping all of those photos and videos for memories in the years to come.


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