Big Island Snorkling Tours Blog

The Hoku Nui

Join the attentive crew of the Hoku Nui, Sea Paradise’s new catamaran to sail the Kona Coast and create a Hawaiian memory on a morning or afternoon snorkel tour!  Hoku Nui translates to “Big Star” and deserves the handle.

Hoku Nui translates to “Big Star” and deserves the handle.  The beautiful Hoku Nui is our modern 50-foot catamaran which has two parallel hulls.  This design makes them very stable and seaworthy and popular for sailing, fishing, and cruising.  They’re typically larger than monohull boats so they can accommodate more passengers and gear.  They are also considered to be safer than monohull boats as they are less likely to capsize.  Join us to enjoy the beautiful waters of Hawaii in our sleek vessel on the best sailing and snorkel tour in Kona!


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