Big Island Snorkling Tours Blog

What Makes The Big Island Different From Other Hawaiian Islands?


The Big Island of Hawaii is ruggedly beautiful and is surrounded by beautiful blue pristine waters.  Join our friendly and helpful crew on the Hoku Nui to experience a manta ray or snorkel tour.  These unique water experiences are an absolute must-do activity when on vacation in Kona.

The Big Island of Hawaii, true to its nickname, stands out in the Hawaiian archipelago for its size and dramatic landscapes. Here’s how it differentiates itself from its sister islands:

  • Size and Scale: The Big Island dwarfs all the others. It’s nearly twice as big as all the remaining Hawaiian islands combined, offering a sense of vastness and a wider range of ecosystems to explore.

  • Geological Wonders: The Big Island is the youngest and most volcanically active. It’s built from five volcanoes, and boasts features like volcanic calderas, black sand beaches, and solidified lava flows unseen on other islands. Volcanoes National Park here is a must-visit to witness the power of creation and destruction.

  • Climate Extremes: The Big Island’s size creates a unique climate tapestry. You can experience everything from wet tropics on the Hilo side to near-arctic conditions atop Maunakea, the world’s tallest mountain measured from its base. This diversity allows for a range of flora and fauna not found elsewhere in Hawaii.

  • Untamed Beauty: The Big Island has a less developed feel compared to Maui or Oahu. The sheer size translates to fewer crowds and a more untouched, adventurous vibe. This makes it ideal for those seeking a nature-focused escape.

  • Unique Activities: The Big Island boasts experiences you won’t find elsewhere in Hawaii. Hike through volcanic craters, stargaze from atop Maunakea, or snorkel with manta rays night diving off the Kona coast with the fabulous crew of Sea Paradise!  The Big Island offers a true adventure unlike any other Hawaiian destination.


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